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Register now for Becoming a Behavioural Detective: Sensory Processing, Mental Health, Trauma and Resilience

Aug 15, 18

October 9 @ 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

In this workshop, Kim Barthel (OTR) will share how becoming a “behavioural detective” helps us to better understand what’s going on behind the scenes for our clients. Many things impact behaviour that aren’t always front of mind: sensory processing issues, trauma history (even multi-generational), developmental disabilities, attachment strategies…

Understanding these impacts, and how we can be more attuned to our clients who experience dysregulation, behavioural issues and mental health challenges, plays a significant role in how we can help and connect in a wide variety of contexts and environments. Viewed through the lens that all behaviour is a way of coping, Kim will discuss strategies to adapt the environment, focus on relationship, provide appropriate supports and help foster greater resiliency. The art of becoming a good behavioural detective – working to understand why children do what they do – involves not only what you do, but how you do it.

Recommended for rehab professionals, social workers, nurses, psychologists and teachers
Registration at 8am, workshop will begin at 9am
Lunch will be included. Please email pamb@rccinc.ca if you have dietary restrictions
Cost $125
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email pamb@rccinc.ca.