The goal of the Children’s Therapy Initiative (CTI) is to provide coordinated, regionally based Audiology, Occupational Therapy (OT), Physiotherapy (PT) and Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) services that allow children and youth to reach their full potential.

Parents and caregivers play a very important role in their child’s program, as you know your child best!  At the first appointment, we want to learn about your child and family.   We will ask you to share the goals you have for your child, and work with you to develop a plan to work toward your goals.  This defines what a family-centered approach is. 

Children (birth to school leaving) living in Manitoba and with an identified concern in areas such as speech, hearing, movement, learning and social development are eligible. Central Intake is available to help you find services.

We’ve collected some helpful links to information about developmental milestones and common questions.  If you still have questions, please contact Central Intake.  Make sure your family doctor is aware of your concerns. 

PLEASE NOTE: When you click on the links below, you are leaving the CTI Site. Therefore, some of the information (e.g., services available) are not applicable in Manitoba.

Parents/legal guardians can refer their child.  Other caregivers are welcome to contact Central Intake to discuss how a referral might be made.

With parent/legal guardian consent, referrals can be made by professionals (including but not limited to physicians, teachers, child care workers, public health nurses, etc).

Parents / Guardian

  • Call the Central Intake in your home region (see below for contact information), or,
  • Complete the referral form (click on home region below) and send it to the address listed on the form.
    • For information about which CTI region your community falls within, please click here),

Physicians and Other Service Providers

Referrals can be made by completing the referral form (click on child/family home region below) and faxing it to the CTI region identified on the form.   Please ensure parent/legal guardian is aware and in agreement with the referral.


For information about which CTI region your community falls within, please click here. 


For more information or to access services in your region, please find contact information below: