What is the Children’s Therapy Initiative?

snowflakeThe Children’s Therapy Initiative (CTI) makes it easier to get audiology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech-language pathology services in Manitoba.  CTI is a shared program of many provincial government departments (Education, Family Services, Health, Healthy Child Manitoba, and Healthy Living).

How does it work?
Parents, caregivers, doctors and other clinicians can send a referral to CTI for audiology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech-language pathology services. CTI then sends the referral to the right service provider. It is easier to send all referrals to CTI than to different service providers. Each health region has its own CTI office, which are listed below.

How do I learn more?
You can call (204) 258-6550 to learn more or to make a referral in Winnipeg.

For more information or to access services in your region, please contact the following:

Manitoba Map